Platinum Group Metals essential for clean energy transition – the hydrogen case

EPMF, Eurométaux, Hydrogen Europe and IPA are supporting the IEA “Critical Minerals and Clean Energy Summit” on 28 September in Paris were ministers, business leaders, investors, and civil society discuss effective courses of action to ensure rapid and secure energy transitions.

Read our joint briefing note here.

The Carbon Footprint of Platinum Group Metals – IPA Technical Guidance Document

The IPA has published a guidance document on how to calculate the carbon footprint of primary (mined) Platinum Group Metals. "The Carbon Footprint of Platinum Group Metals" provides stakeholders involved in the PGM value chain with background information and technical guidance on what the industry perceives as best practice approach regarding the measurement of GHG emissions of refined PGMs. It complements the LCA publications that are made available on the website, and the industry-average life cycle asssessment data that LCA practictioners can source from the IPA or through the GaBi/LCA for Experts database.

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Life Cycle Assessment Data

LCA data on the global production of PGMs, covering the primary production of platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium, and the secondary production of the first four, is available in the LCA for Experts database or upon request from IPA.

Download the newest LCA Fact Sheet on Iridium and Ruthenium from our Life Cycle Assessment section. Interested parties can apply for the LCA data set by filling out our data questionnaire or by getting in touch with IPA directly lca(@)

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Reponsible mining and sourcing of PGMs

The year 2023 has been challenging for the mining industry, due to geopolitical challenges and a sharp decline in the PGM basket price. This led to the need for restructuring and cost reductions in many companies. As a consequence, some mining companies had to postpone or delay their self-assessment activities. Additionally, the availability of IRMA certified auditors has been constrained in South Africa. Nevertheless, the IPA members remain committed to undergoing IRMA certification and have formed a working group under the umbrella of the IPA to increase their knowledge and understanding through dedicated workshops with IRMA. Since 2023, the status of IRMA certification is being published on the IPA website and is updated at the beginning of each new year.

The status of IRMA certification and self-assessment of our members for 2024 is available for download in the Responsible mining section of our website.

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IPA partnerships for the development of ultra-low emissions vehicles

IPA has joined forces with the Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst (AECC) and other partners to develop a range of demo vehicles that showcase the feasibility of reaching ultra-low pollutant levels by combining state-of-the art » more

IPA joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

The IPA has joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, a European Union initiative launched to support the introduction of hydrogen within the EU. The aim of this Alliance is to make EU leading within the hydrogen area and to utilize hydrogen and hydrogen technologies to support EU’s ambition to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Hydrogen production and certain key hydrogen technologies rely on the special catalytic properties of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs).

IPA will contribute to the work of the Alliance through its expertise in hydrogen use for energy systems and hydrogen mobility and by providing lifecycle information when it comes to GHG performance of hydrogen production installations.

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